Split PDF Online. Free and easy to use 您所在的位置:网站首页 extract pages from pdf online Split PDF Online. Free and easy to use

Split PDF Online. Free and easy to use

#Split PDF Online. Free and easy to use| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

How to visually select PDF pages to split at

You want to split the document at certain pages. For example a 12 pages document needs to be split in two, first part should have first 3 pages and the second part the remaining 9 pages.

Choose 'Select pages to split'. The next screen should display all pages in the document.

Click on pages. You should see a color coded visual preview of how the document will be divided.

Example: Click on page 4 and page 10 if you want to split the document in 3 parts: first containing pages 1-4, second containing pages 5-10 and last pages 11 to the end.

Wrong selection? Just click the same page again to undo. There's also a 'Reset selection' button in the top part of the page to start over.






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